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Music Monday: 5 Days In May

Hey Blue Rodeo Fans,

I'm excited to share our VERY FIRST fan contributed Music Monday song and story

from Adam C. from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Adam has actually given us TWO songs so I've included videos for both; Five Days In May AND What Am I Doing Here?

From Adam...

"5 Days In May is my favourite song. This song came out around the time I met my first love. Unfortunately, despite my feelings for her, and I believe she felt the same for me, our relationship never developed further than just good friends. The timing was really bad. That reminds me of the line "We met in a hurricane," that is how things felt for both us. There was just too much going in our personal lives at the time and we could't make it work

The first time that it dawned on me that I truly loved her (I had never felt that way before, and honestly never since), we went for a walk on the beach. As in the song,

"I wrote her name (well initials) in the sand". Then later on in the dust on my car door.

I have only seen Blue Rodeo live once. It was a free concert in Barrie, Ontario on New Year's Eve I think 2002 (maybe 2003). I do not have any pics, but I do remember that it was the coldest night of the year. I remember Greg and Jim were wearing those gloves that have the finger tips cut off, which allowed them to keep warm but also play guitar. I remember finding a parking spot some distance away, and as I walked closer to the spot they were playing the sound of "What Am I Doing Here?" became louder and louder. That made me chuckle because Greg usually introduces that song as the shittiest gig they ever played. And let me tell you it WAS really cold and a shitty night." - Adam C.

Thanks so much, Adam!

Five Days In May is one of True Rodeo's favourites too and it was one of the songs that we did during the pandemic lockdown. Each band member recorded our part and video and they were brilliantly assembled by our lead singer, Vito Alvaro. Because of the pandemic I hadn't even met our bass player, Paul, and drummer, Lui, in person at that point! Among the wonderful playing of everyone, check out Mimico Bill's lead guitar solo - wow! The stand of birch trees at the beginning of the video is just a kilometre from my home on the shore of Lake Ontario in Burlington, Ontario.

True Rodeo plays Five Days In May during every performance and it has grown into a 7 minutes plus song that's punctuated by an ever evolving guitar solo by Bill with support by the band. Such a great song to play and a little different every time! Come and see True Rodeo this year, our gigs our regularly updated on the Homepage and Upcoming Shows page of Be sure to say hello!

-Dave Brinton, True Rodeo...and Happy Birthday to me...

Sources, Adam C., YouTube, Barrie Tourism, Tourism Burlington.

Click on underlined text for more information. No, that's not a link...

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