Hey Blue Rodeo Fans,
Today's Music Memory Monday is about English Bay, from the band's fifth and most popular album, Five Days In July, released by WEA on October 26, 1993, in Canada and Discovery Records on September 27, 1994, in the United States. Five Days In July and has been certified six times platinum as of 2008. English Bay is a part of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
BTW, If you'd like to share your music memory about Blue Rodeo and/or their music with the world, then email me at truerodeoband@gmail.com and we'll get your story out there. Include your name, where you're from, and your story.
Where Were We?...
Before Blue Rodeo played English Bay in London, Ontario in 2023 Greg told the story behind the song, and what a story...
When True Rodeo headlined the 2022 Wasaga Beach Canada celebrations, I got to sing English Bay. It was idyllic as the sun was beginning to set over the water, the sky streaked with beautiful colours.
 As I was giving a little introduction to the song, our keyboard player, Terry Donnelly, on his feet with the accordion ready to go, whispered in my ear "We're on Georgian Bay, you should sing Georgian Bay!" so that's what I did. And the crowd of several thousand on the beach clapped and cheered each time. As you can tell from my hair, it was a windy evening!
And a year or so later I found our that our current drummer, Larry, is actually from English Bay.
English Bay, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Come out and see True Rodeo some time! We're playing all over southern Ontario this spring and summer, with more dates regularly added to our home page and Upcoming Shows page. Until then, we'll see you down the road...
-Dave Brinton, True Rodeo
Sources: Bluerodeo.com. Youtube, Wikipedia, and other sources as linked to.